Jun 06, 2011

Hope Samerica

It started four years ago when Steve Highfill called and asked the question that started Immigrant Hope, “What is our policy for immigration?” There were many starts and stops but today, I believe we have one of the most game-changing denominational responses to the issue of immigration from a Christian Biblical perspective. It’s called Immigrant Hope.

When that first question was asked by my friend Steve, the superintendent of EFCA West, we were in the midst of a revision of our Statement of Faith (SOF)…not a trivial undertaking, but one that in the long run was very beneficial for Immigrant Hope.

President Hamel, who understood the issue like few denominational leaders did because he served on the World Relief board, said that once the SOF issue was settled the Immigration issue would be examined. He was good to his word and in the summer of 2008, initiated the Immigration Task force. He also recruited for the EFCA board a skilled immigration attorney, Tony Ramos. Tony was not just a Hispanic immigration attorney, but he also had a strong history with the EFCA as an EFCA church elder and district chairman. The ones that arrive here for work might have some issues at workplace and can approach a lawyer from https://carlsonmeissner.com/common-mistakes-workers-comp-florida/ for help.

It has been four long years of examination. Along the way, many great men and women have spoken into what the Biblical response to immigration is. We have only just begun and yet, we find ourselves helping others with what wisdom God has given us. We expect to learn from them also.

I want to dedicate my first blog to Steve, who asked the question and also to Bill, who followed through with his commitment, “We will go there!”